Hello there! I'm Olegs.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my projects. The list is not exhaustive and more coming.

Feel free to test functionality and provide any feedback you may have.

Please note that apps may take some time to start up because I am using free cloud services with limitations.

This app is still in development mode
AI empowered tic-tac-toe game

A game of tic-tac-toe in which your opponent is AI.

For demonstration purposes only. Please note that the game is not intended for active or multiple uses and may take time to start as it is hosted on free resources.

Technologies used: Python, Flask, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS.

Trading App

This is the trading app simulator. Try buying and selling stocks, and take a look at my favorite ones that I invest in when the prices are right.

I am using the Alpha Vantage free tier for market data, which allows only 25 requests per day. This limitation can result in no data being available while using my app. While I encourage you to try the app, please consider these limitations. Alternatively, you can check out the demo.

Technologies used: Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS.

The password is salted and hashed to encrypt and protect it from being easily read by strangers.

To access functionality of the App, please log in or register for an account. Do not use real name, email or password please.

This is a phone book app to save phone numbers and names

The application is a straightforward tool designed to add, remove, or modify contact information. One of the features of this app is that when you enter a new contact's name, the app automatically creates a section for it, with the first letter of the name as the heading. It is a stand alone project and the aim is to learn how to build those features to use them in more complex projects I have on my mind.

I've used various technologies such as Python, Flask, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, MySql, Amazon RDS database, and Render to deploy the application from Github.

The password is salted and hashed to encrypt and protect it from being easily read by strangers.

To access functionality of the App, please log in or register for an account. Do not use real name, email or password please.

Virtual casino entertainment - fun blackjack

During the pandemic, connecting with friends, famaly and meeting new people was a challenge. That's when I came up with an idea - a contactless way to bring people together and have fun!

My website featured events and even offered prizes to participants. Than I decided to take things to the next level by trying to turn it into a business. I developed a location-based marketing strategy but unfortunately, I wasn't able to convince potential partners to join me.

Despite the setback, the experience was incredibly interesting and entertaining. I wasn't upset because I enjoyed working on the technical aspects of the project, and it made me realize that proper software development is the way to grow.

I used various technologies such as WordPress, bubble.io for Back-End to create a website, Canva to design, Zoom for communication.